TEL: 815-733-5044
Metal Deck
Metal Siding
Light Gauge Framing
Fiberglass Panels
Metal Products for the Construction Industry
Insulated Metal Panels

Most profiles in stock and ready to ship

Alsip Plant 1988
CARRON AND COMPANY, a family owned and operated business, provides metal decking, metal siding, corrugated fiberglass panels, light gauge structural girts and purlins and a variety of accessories to the construction industry.
CARRON AND COMPANY was established by Jack and Tom Carron in Chicago, Illinois in 1960. The Carron brothers sold and installed metal deck and metal siding throughout northern Illinois and northwest Indiana. Since those early years, the company has expanded and responded to the needs of the construction industry. Our IMWP (Insulated Metal Wall Plank) business was started in 1969 when a product line of insulated metal sandwich panels or "planks" was acquired from Blaski Metals. These "planks" are now known as our WP-8 sandwich panel. Original production was in Alsip, IL.
For any inquiries or questions, please call:
815-733-5044 or fill out the following form
Corporate & Sales Office
16108 S. Route 59, Suite 108
Plainfield, IL 60586
Tel: (815) 733-5044